Google Pixel 8 The Revolutionary Ai Photo Features Of Google Pixel 8

Google Pixel 8: The Revolutionary AI Photo Features of Google Pixel 8


Pixel 8 Pro Bay Source Google Gear
Google Pixel 8: The Revolutionary Ai Photo Features Of Google Pixel 8 5
Pixel 8 Pro Bay Source Google Gear
Google Pixel 8: The Revolutionary Ai Photo Features Of Google Pixel 8 6

Throughout my years of reviewing personal technology gadgets, very few products have managed to leave me in awe. However, my skepticism was shattered when I witnessed the mind-blowing AI photo tricks showcased on the new Google Pixel 8 and Pixel 8 Pro smartphones.

Unleashing the Power of AI Photography:

In isolation, these features might seem achievable to individuals with Photoshop or video editing expertise. Yet, what sets the new Pixel phones apart is their ability to make these advanced imaging capabilities accessible to everyone. Prepare to be amazed as we delve into the remarkable AI photo features of the Google Pixel 8 series.

Magic Editor: Taking Photo Editing to New Heights

During Google’s developer conference in May, an evolutionary step in photo editing was unveiled—Magic Editor. Building upon the foundation laid by its predecessor. Magic Eraser, this tool enables users to go beyond removing unwanted objects from photos. It empowers them to warp the entire image, creating breathtaking compositions effortlessly.

In a live demonstration, a Google representative showcased the Magic Editor’s prowess. Starting with a photo of a girl running on a beach, they highlighted the subject and seamlessly cut it out. Next, with the subject freed from its original background, they placed it anywhere within the scene. Astoundingly, the software filled in the space left behind with remarkable accuracy, as if the manipulation was never executed. Lighting adjustments, such as transforming midday shots into the golden hour aesthetic, become effortlessly achievable with Magic Editor.

Unleash Your Imagination with Magic Editor:

The potential doesn’t end there. Imagine a photo of a kid preparing to shoot a basketball. Demonstrating the versatility of Magic Editor, the spokesperson playfully dragged the subject upwards, creating the illusion of a soaring dunk. Astonishingly, the software also adjusted the shadow of the subject to align with the new positioning. Underscoring the realism of the composition.

The Pursuit of an Ideal Reality:

These advancements in AI photography remind us of Ramesh Raskar’s astute observation regarding consumers’ desire for captivating imagery that exceeds reality. With Magic Editor, individuals can now capture the perfect shot, immersing themselves in breathtaking moments, even if the original conditions didn’t align with their vision of the scene. Whether it’s turning a hazy backdrop into a sunny day or experiencing a luminous sunset, Magic Editor empowers users to create their ideal reality right within their photos.

The Balance Between Truth and Fiction:

While the advent of Magic Editor opens up a world of creative possibilities, it’s important to address the potential drawbacks. As we encounter increasingly manipulated images, distinguishing fact from fiction becomes challenging. Google acknowledges this concern, assuring users that their metadata will indicate if Magic Editor was used. Yet, overcoming metadata stripping remains a hurdle, leaving the efficacy of this precaution unclear.

Best Take: The Sigh of Relief for Group Photos

Group photos are notorious for capturing the occasional closed eye or distracted gaze. Thankfully, Best Take intervenes to alleviate this issue, particularly for parents attempting to capture precious moments of their active children.

Most smartphones capture multiple frames at varying exposures to produce well-exposed photos in diverse lighting conditions. Leveraging this multi-frame approach, Google’s Best Take intelligently replaces closed eyes with another frame from the series, ensuring everyone appears alert and engaged. Building upon the concept of Google’s Top Shot feature, which suggests optimal frames from photo sequences, Best Take enables users to select the perfect image from a rapid succession of up to six shots.

Audio Magic Eraser: Refining the Soundscape

Expanded beyond visual enhancements, the Pixel 8 series introduces Audio Magic Eraser, a groundbreaking capability. This powerful tool allows users to edit audio clips, selectively removing unwanted sounds from their recorded videos.

Imagine watching a video of someone playing a cello in a park, only to be accompanied by the distant blaring of a siren. With Audio Magic Eraser, users gain the ability to split the audio frequencies and eliminate the unwanted sounds, leaving a video that showcases the serene sounds of the cello alone. The level of precision achieved by this feature is truly remarkable.

Video Boost: Illuminating the Dark

Exclusive to the Pixel 8 Pro, Video Boost enhances video quality in low-light conditions and situations featuring rapid motion. By sending your video clips, up to 4K at 30 frames per second, to Google’s Cloud for processing, the Pixel 8 Pro can deliver drastically improved stabilization, enhanced clarity, and reduced noise. Depending on the length of the video, the processing time may vary from minutes to overnight.

Still, the results were startling when I was shown a comparison clip alongside an iPhone 14 Pro. The Pixel 8 Pro’s video in similar low light was dramatically clearer, brighter, more colorful, and better stabilized. It’ll be exciting to see how this works, but it won’t be available at launch. 

Again, none of the aforementioned features are things that you can’t currently do with other tools, but the ability to democratize them and make them accessible for the cost of a smartphone—without requiring any technical know-how—made me stare. You can read more about the Pixel 8, Pixel 8 Pro, and Pixel Watch 2 here. These smarts aren’t the only AI features Google talked about—read more about its announcement around upgrading Google Assistant with Bard here.


The AI photo features incorporated within the Google Pixel 8 and Pixel 8 Pro smartphones revolutionize the way users capture and edit their treasured moments. Magic Editor empowers individuals with unprecedented creative freedom, enabling them to craft visually stunning compositions effortlessly. Best Take offers relief by ensuring group photos depict everyone at their best, while Audio Magic Eraser and Video Boost deliver immersive with refined soundscapes and enhanced video quality. Google continues to redefine the boundaries of smartphone photography, pushing the limits of is possible.

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