
How to Monetize Google Web Stories: How Google Pays for it?

How To Monetize Google Web Stories: How Google Pays For Web Stories


In today’s digital age, content creators are constantly seeking ways to monetize their work. With the rise of Google Web Stories, creators now have an additional platform to showcase their creativity and potentially earn income. But how exactly does Google pays for web stories? In this blog post, we will delve into the intricacies of Google’s payment process and explore how you can monetize your web stories effectively. So, whether you are new to the concept or well-versed in the topic, read on to discover how you can turn your web stories into a lucrative venture. Lets also learn How to Set Up AdSense for Web Stories?

How To Monetize Google Web Stories: How Google Pays For Web Stories
Adsense For Web Stories

How Google Pays for Web Stories?

To understand how Google pays for web stories, it is essential to grasp the role of an ad network. An ad network acts as a mediator between content creators and advertisers. It collects all the advertisable web story impressions and clicks, offering them to be bid on by advertisers who are interested in promoting their products or services through web stories. When an advertiser wins the bid, they pay the creator for the right to display their ad within the web story.

Placing Ads Strategically

Google ensures that ads within web stories are strategically placed to create a seamless experience for the viewers. Advertisements are strategically integrated to maintain the flow of the story and enhance user engagement. This careful placement helps maintain a balance between monetization and providing a positive user experience.

How to Set Up AdSense for Web Stories

To start monetizing your web stories with Google, you will need to have an AdSense account. Here’s a step-by-step guide to setting up AdSense:

  1. Sign in to your AdSense account.
  2. Click on the “Ads” tab.
  3. Select “By ad unit.”
  4. Click on “Display ads.”
  5. Give your ad unit a name.
  6. In the “Ad size” section, Select “Responsive” .
  7. Finally, click on “Create” to complete the setup process.

By following these simple steps, you are on your way to monetizing your web stories through Google’s AdSense.

Maximizing Revenue with Effective Ad Placement

While Google takes care of the technicalities behind ad placement, as a content creator, you have a role to play in maximizing your revenue potential. To ensure the best results, consider the following tips:

  • Strategically segment your web story. You should break your web story into sections, allowing for natural pauses where you can insert ads without disrupting the narrative flow.
  • Consider ad placement frequency: Be mindful of the number of ads within your web story. While ads are essential for monetization, an excessive number can detract from the user experience and decrease engagement.
  • Optimize ad formats: Experiment with different ad formats to find the most effective ones for your web story. Test out options such as banner ads, interstitial ads, or in-story ads to see which format generates the best response.


Monetizing your Google web stories can be a lucrative opportunity for content creators. By understanding Google’s payment process and making use of efficient ad placement strategies, you can transform your web stories into a reliable source of income. Remember to sign up for an AdSense account, set up your ad units, and optimize them for maximum revenue potential. With dedication and creativity, your web stories can captivate audiences while generating income. So why wait? Start monetizing your web stories today and unleash your creative potential!

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