What Are False Teeth Made Of

What are False Teeth & Dentures Made of? Its Side Effects


“Dental prosthetists employ false teeth and dentures as prosthetic devices to substitute for absent teeth and reinstate oral functionality.”

Understanding the composition of false teeth and dentures is crucial in order to make informed decisions about dental treatment options. What is price of fake Teeth

A Woman In White Clothes Holding A Dentures
Photo by Tima Miroshnichenko on Pexels.com

Types of False Teeth and Dentures

There are several types of false teeth and dentures available, each with its own advantages and considerations.

  • Traditional Dentures:
    1. Complete Dentures: Dentists utilize these in cases of complete tooth loss, affixing them to the patient’s gums.
    2. Partial Dentures: Used when there are remaining natural teeth . Connected to the existing teeth through clasps or other mechanisms.
  • Flexible Dentures: Made from a flexible material, these dentures provide a more comfortable fit and natural look.
  • Implant-Supported Dentures: Its Surgically placed in the jawbone for increasing stability and are attached to dental implants.
  • Immediate Dentures: After tooth extraction temporary dentures are installed immediately . These allow patients to maintain their appearance while gums heal.

Materials Used in False Teeth and Dentures

The materials used in false teeth and dentures can vary, each offering distinct qualities and considerations.

  • Acrylic Resin:
    1. Composition and Characteristics: Acrylic resin is a type of plastic that is lightweight and durable.
    2. Pros and Cons: Acrylic resin dentures are cost-effective, easily adjusted, and can be repaired if damaged. However, they may not offer the most natural look and can be prone to staining.
Two Women Looking At Man Burning Resin Form
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  • Porcelain:
    1. Composition and Characteristics: Porcelain dentures are made from a ceramic material that closely resembles natural teeth.
    2. Pros and Cons: Porcelain dentures are highly resistant to staining, providing a natural and aesthetically pleasing appearance. However, they are more brittle than other materials and can be expensive.
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  • Metal Alloys:
    1. Composition and Characteristics: A combination of metals like cobalt, chrome, or titanium is used to create metal alloy dentures, ensuring their sturdiness and long-lasting nature.
    2. Pros and Cons: Metal alloy dentures offer exceptional strength, stability, and a more precise fit. However, they can be costlier than other options and may not be as aesthetically pleasing.
Steel Bars In A Metal Box
Photo by Rolled Alloys Specialty Metal Supplier on Pexels.com

Side Effects of False Teeth and Dentures

While false teeth and dentures provide many benefits, they can also cause some side effects.

  • Gum Irritation: New dentures may initially cause irritation and soreness in the gums as they adjust to the prosthesis.
  • Increased Saliva Production: The presence of dentures can trigger an increase in saliva production, which may take some time to regulate.
  • Soreness and Discomfort: Ill-fitting dentures or poor oral hygiene can lead to sore spots and discomfort.
  • Difficulty Speaking: It might take some practice to speak clearly with dentures, as they can affect tongue and lip movements.
  • Changes in Taste Sensation: Some individuals may experience a temporary alteration in their taste perception due to the presence of dentures.
  • Temporomandibular Joint (TMJ) Issues: Improperly fitted dentures may cause strain on the jaw joint, leading to TMJ-related problems.

How to Minimize False Teeth and Dentures Side Effects

Person In Latex Gloves Holding Plastic Jaw
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To minimize side effects, proper care and adjustment techniques are essential.

  • Proper Oral Care Routine:
    1. Employ correct brushing techniques, ensuring thorough cleaning of both the dentures and natural teeth.
    2. Use appropriate denture cleaning methods and solutions recommended by dental professionals.
  • Regular Dental Check-ups: Regular visits to the dentist allow for professional cleanings, assessments, and adjustments to ensure the dentures fit properly.
  • Adapting to Proper Denture Use:
    1. Gradual Adjustment: Start by wearing dentures for shorter periods and gradually increase the duration, allowing the mouth and gums to adapt.
    2. Seek Professional Advice: Consult a dentist for any persistent discomfort, as they can make necessary adjustments or suggest alternative solutions.

Maintaining False Teeth and Dentures

Proper maintenance and care are essential to extend the lifespan of false teeth and dentures.

  • Storage and Cleaning: When not in use, dentures should be stored properly in water or denture solution to prevent drying out or warping.
  • Avoiding Damaging Habits: Avoid biting hard objects or using teeth for opening packages, as this can lead to denture damage.
  • Denture Adhesive Use: Denture adhesive can be used to improve stability and reduce movement during oral activities.
  • Replacing Worn-out Dentures: Over time, false teeth and dentures may become worn out, making replacement necessary for optimal functionality and aesthetics.

Alternative Solutions to False Teeth and Dentures

In addition to dentures, there are other dental treatment options to consider.

  • Dental Implants:
    1. Procedure and Benefits: Dental implants involve the surgical placement of artificial tooth roots into the jawbone, providing a strong foundation for dental restorations that closely mimic real teeth.
    2. Comparison with dentures: Implants offer improved stability, chewing ability, and a more natural appearance. However, they involve a more extensive and costly treatment process.
  • Dental Bridges:
    1. Procedure and Benefits: Dental bridges are prosthetic teeth that bridge the gap caused by missing teeth, with the support of adjacent teeth or implants.
    2. Comparison with dentures: Bridges offer a fixed solution that feels and functions like real teeth, but they require the support of surrounding teeth or implants.

Common Myths About False Teeth and Dentures

There are several common misconceptions surrounding false teeth and dentures that deserve clarification.

  • False Teeth Cause Facial Changes: False teeth and dentures are designed to mimic natural teeth and should not cause drastic facial changes when properly fitted.
  • Only People above age of 50 or 60 Need Dentures: Tooth loss can occur at any age due to various factors such as accidents, gum disease, or genetics. Dentures are suitable for individuals of all ages who have missing teeth.
  • Dentures are Uncomfortable and Noticeable: With advancements in dental technology, dentures can be customized to fit comfortably and appear natural, often going unnoticed by others.

Considerations Before Getting False Teeth and Dentures

Before getting false teeth and dentures, certain factors should be taken into account.

  • Dentist Consultation: Seek professional advice from a dentist who can evaluate oral health, discuss treatment options, and provide personalized recommendations.
  • Cost and Insurance Coverage: Understand the financial implications of false teeth and dentures, including insurance coverage and available payment plans.
  • Lifestyle and Personal Expectations: Consider the impact of false teeth and dentures on daily activities, dietary choices, and personal preferences to ensure the best treatment option is chosen.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Answering commonly asked questions about false teeth and dentures provides valuable information to readers.

  • Can I Eat Normally with False Teeth and Dentures? Yes, after an adjustment period, most individuals can resume a normal diet; however, certain hard or sticky foods may need to be avoided.
  • How Long Do False Teeth and Dentures Last? The longevity of false teeth and dentures varies based on factors such as material quality, oral hygiene, and wear habits. On average, they may last 5-10 years before requiring replacement.
  • Can False Teeth and Dentures Be Repaired? In some cases, dentures can be repaired if they are damaged or broken. However, significant damage may necessitate replacement.
  • Are There Any Food Restrictions with Dentures? While dentures allow for improved biting and chewing ability, it is advisable to avoid very hard or sticky foods that might dislodge or damage the dentures.
  • How Often Should Dentures Be Replaced? Dentures should be replaced when they are worn out, no longer fit properly, or become uncomfortable. Regular dental check-ups help identify when replacement is necessary.


Understanding the composition and side effects of false teeth and dentures is essential for anyone considering these dental prosthetics. By following proper care routines, seeking professional advice when needed, and maintaining good oral health, individuals can enjoy the benefits of false teeth and dentures while minimizing any potential side effects. Consultation with a dentist is crucial to determine the best treatment option based on individual needs and expectations.

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