10 Weird Things In South Africa

10 Weird Things in South Africa – Uncovering the Unique and Peculiar

10 Weird Things in South Africa

From stunning landscapes to vibrant cultures, South Africa is a country that never ceases to amaze. Beyond the well-known attractions, the Rainbow Nation has its fair share of peculiarities that are bound to captivate and intrigue visitors. In this article, we will delve into some of the most fascinating and unconventional aspects of South Africa, unveiling ten weird things that make this country truly one-of-a-kind.

10 Weird Things In South Africa
10 Weird Things In South Africa - Uncovering The Unique And Peculiar 4

Unraveling the Enigma: 10 Weird Things in South Africa

1. The Big Five and the Little Five

South Africa is famous for its incredible wildlife, and most visitors are familiar with the Big Five: the lion, leopard, rhinoceros, elephant, and buffalo. However, you might be surprised to learn that there is also a Little Five, consisting of smaller animal counterparts. These pint-sized creatures, namely the elephant shrew, rhinoceros beetle, buffalo weaver, ant lion, and leopard tortoise, are equally captivating and play an essential role in the country’s ecosystems.

2. The Dancing Traffic Lights

In the city of Johannesburg, dancing can take unexpected forms. To promote road safety and inject a bit of joy into people’s lives, a creative initiative was launched, transforming mundane traffic lights into dance performances. Shaped like individuals, these unique traffic lights engage in a dancing routine, entertaining motorists and pedestrians alike while ensuring safe crossings.

“Imagine waiting for the light to change and suddenly finding yourself tapping your feet to a traffic light’s dance moves. It’s a delightful surprise!” – Local Johannesburg Resident

3. Cow Appreciation Day

While cows hold a significant place in many cultures, South Africa takes this appreciation to the next level. On the last Saturday of January, the nation celebrates Cow Appreciation Day. This peculiar event emphasizes the importance of cows in agriculture, milk production, and traditional heritage. Festivities include cattle parades, milking competitions, and even beauty contests for cows, showcasing their beauty and economic significance.

4. Witchcraft Suppression Act

South Africa’s legal landscape is no stranger to the unusual. Dating back to 1957, the Witchcraft Suppression Act still holds a place in the country’s statutes. While its main intention was to combat fraudsters posing as witch doctors, it remains a topic of debate due to its vague definitions and potential infringement on cultural practices. The law demonstrates the coexistence of ancient beliefs and modern legal systems, making South Africa a fascinating amalgamation of tradition and progress.

5. Eye-Opening Street Art

South Africa’s streets have become galleries of expression, blending creativity and social commentary. From the gritty urban walls to the vibrant countryside, you’ll encounter jaw-dropping street art that adds color and meaning to public spaces. Artists like Faith47 and Falko One have left their mark on walls across the country, bringing South Africa’s history, culture, and struggles to life through stunning murals and thought-provoking graffiti.

6. The Cango Caves – A Subterranean Wonder

Hidden beneath the earth’s surface lies a peculiar and mesmerizing marvel known as the Cango Caves. Located in the Western Cape province, these extensive limestone caverns display a peculiar collection of stalactites and stalagmites that have been painstakingly formed over millions of years. Visitors can embark on guided tours, venturing into the depths of this natural wonderland and discovering an underground realm that seems straight out of a fantasy world.

7. The ‘Big Hole’ at Kimberley

Kimberley, a small city in the Northern Cape province, hides a massive and awe-inspiring hole that is both bizarre and fascinating. The ‘Big Hole’ is a testament to South Africa’s gold and diamond mining past, plunging 214 meters deep and stretching 463 meters wide. Once a booming mining site, this colossal man-made cavity now serves as a historical attraction, offering visitors insights into the country’s mining heritage.

8. Ostrich Racing Championships

In a country brimming with unusual sports, ostrich racing is undoubtedly one of the quirkiest. Every year, the town of Oudtshoorn hosts a highly anticipated event – the Cango Ostrich Show Farm Racing Championships. Jockeys skillfully perch upon the backs of these towering birds, zooming down a racetrack to claim the prestigious title. The event draws locals and tourists alike, who can witness these magnificent creatures running at astounding speeds.

9. AfrikaBurn – Embracing Creativity in the Karoo Desert

Inspired by the renowned Burning Man festival, South Africa has its own version that ignites creativity and self-expression – AfrikaBurn. Held annually in the desolate plains of the Karoo Desert, this unique event brings together thousands of participants who construct imaginative art installations, embrace radical self-reliance, and celebrate the spirit of communal living. AfrikaBurn is a testament to the country’s vibrant artistic community, pushing the boundaries of creativity beyond conventional norms.

10. Futuristic Solar-Powered Trash Bins

South Africa is leading the way in sustainable technological advancements with its out-of-this-world solar-powered trash bins. These innovative bins, known as the “Solar Smart Bins,” make use of renewable energy to compact and store waste, reducing the need for frequent collections. Equipped with unique features such as Wi-Fi hotspots and built-in sensors, these futuristic trash bins are a testament to South Africa’s dedication to smart and eco-friendly solutions.

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South Africa never fails to astonish visitors with its unparalleled beauty and diverse culture. As we’ve uncovered in this article, it is also a land of captivating oddities that truly set it apart. From dancing traffic lights to peculiar laws and astonishing natural wonders, South Africa’s weirdness adds an extra layer of charm to an already extraordinary destination. So, the next time you visit this rainbow nation, keep your eyes peeled for these unique and intriguing experiences that defy the norm.

External Links:

  1. South Africa Tourism Official Website
  2. AfrikaBurn Official Website
  3. Cango Caves Official Website
  4. Kimberley – The Big Hole
  5. Ostrich Racing in Oudtshoorn


What is Cow Appreciation Day in South Africa?

Cow Appreciation Day, celebrated on the last Saturday of January, honors the significance of cows in agriculture and traditional heritage with parades and competitions.

What are the Little Five in South Africa?

The Little Five consists of smaller animals: elephant shrew, rhinoceros beetle, buffalo weaver, ant lion, and leopard tortoise.

What is the Witchcraft Suppression Act in South Africa?

Enacted in 1957, the Witchcraft Suppression Act aims to combat fraudulent practices but remains debated due to its potential impact on cultural beliefs.

Where can you witness dancing traffic lights in South Africa?

Johannesburg is known for its dancing traffic lights, transformed to promote road safety and bring joy to commuters.

What is AfrikaBurn in South Africa?

AfrikaBurn is South Africa’s version of the Burning Man festival, held annually in the Karoo Desert, celebrating creativity and self-expression.

What makes the Cango Caves in South Africa unique?

The Cango Caves, located in the Western Cape, feature intricate stalactites and stalagmites formed over millions of years.

What is the ‘Big Hole’ in Kimberley, South Africa?

The ‘Big Hole’ is a massive man-made cavity, a historical site in Kimberley, showcasing the city’s gold and diamond mining past.

When is the Ostrich Racing Championships in Oudtshoorn?

Oudtshoorn hosts the Cango Ostrich Show Farm Racing Championships, a quirky event featuring ostrich racing, annually.

What are Solar Smart Bins in South Africa?

Solar Smart Bins are innovative, solar-powered trash bins in South Africa, compacting waste and promoting eco-friendly solutions.

Where can you experience the ‘Little Karoo’ desert in South Africa?

The ‘Little Karoo’ desert is part of the Karoo region, known for AfrikaBurn, and is located in the Western Cape province.