JKSSB Naib Tehsildar Syllabus Latest 2024-Prepare For Worst

Jkssb Naib Tehsildar Syllabus 2024

JKSSB Naib Tehsildar Syllabus Latest

JKSSB Naib Tehsildar Syllabus : Are you preparing for the Naib Tehsildar JKSSB Recruitment? If so, it is crucial to familiarize yourself with the JKSSB Naib Tehsildar Syllabus for the year 2024. In this article, we will provide you with all the necessary information about the syllabus, exam pattern, and preparation tips to help you excel in the exam.

Jkssb Naib Tehsildar Syllabus Latest: Jkssb Recruitment 2024
Jkssb Naib Tehsildar Syllabus Latest 2024-Prepare For Worst 4

To begin with, it is essential to understand the format of the exam. The JKSSB Naib Tehsildar Exam follows a written test pattern. To achieve success, candidates need to have a thorough understanding of the Naib Tehsildar JKSSB Syllabus and the exam pattern.

JKSSB Naib Tehsildar Recruitment Syllabus 2024: Detailed Overview

JKSSB Naib Tehsildar Syllabus Latest

Let’s take a look on JKSSB Naib Tehsildar Syllabus .

General English

The General English section of the JKSSB Naib Tehsildar Recruitment Exam 2024 is designed to assess candidates’ proficiency in the English language. The syllabus includes:

ClausesUnderstanding different types of clauses in sentences.
Synonyms and antonymsKnowledge of words with similar and opposite meanings.
Pairs of wordsUsing pairs of words in meaningful sentences.
Idioms and phrasesFamiliarity with common idioms and phrases.
Uses of PrepositionsProper application of prepositions in sentences.
TensesUnderstanding and using different verb tenses.
Rearranging jumbled sentencesOrganizing sentences into a coherent paragraph.
NarrationConverting direct speech to indirect speech and vice versa.
ModelsUnderstanding and using various verb models.
ArticlesCorrect usage of articles (a, an, the) in sentences.
ComprehensionReading passages and filling in blanks with appropriate phrases, pronouns, homonyms/homophones.

General Knowledge & Current Affairs

This section evaluates candidates’ awareness of general knowledge and current affairs. The topics covered include:

National AwardsRecognition and significance of national awards.
The World of SportsKnowledge of major sports events and personalities.
Climate & Crops in IndiaUnderstanding the climatic conditions and crops in different regions of India.
Democratic institutionsOverview of democratic institutions and their roles.
Forms of GovernmentDifferent forms of government and their characteristics.
Political & Physical divisionsUnderstanding political and physical divisions of the world and India.
Rivers & Lakes in IndiaImportant rivers and lakes in India.
Current EventsStay updated on national and international current events.
Role of Mathematics in EconomicsThe application of mathematics in economic principles.
Agriculture in economic developmentImpact of agriculture on economic development.
Industrialization and economic developmentUnderstanding the relationship between industrialization and economic growth.
Indian Foreign TradeOverview of India’s foreign trade policies.
New economic reforms and growthFamiliarity with recent economic reforms and their impact on growth.
InflationUnderstanding inflation, its types, causes, and consequences.
Important dates in Indian HistoryKey dates and events in Indian history and the freedom struggle.
Popular names of PersonalitiesRecognizing names across various fields – religion, politics, science, sports, etc.
The Newspaper WorldAwareness of major newspapers and their role.
Books & AuthorsKnowledge of notable books and their authors.
LanguagesUnderstanding different languages spoken in India and the world.
Capitals & CurrenciesCapitals of countries and their respective currencies.
Everyday ScienceBasic scientific principles applicable in daily life.
World-famous AwardsRecognition of globally acclaimed awards.

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General Science

This section assesses candidates’ knowledge of fundamental scientific concepts. The syllabus includes:

Structure of AtomUnderstanding the basic structure of an atom.
Solids, Liquids and Gases (Basics)Basic properties of solids, liquids, and gases.
Life processesNutrition, respiration, transportation in plants, and diseases related to vitamin deficiency.
Environmental pollutionCauses and consequences of environmental pollution.
EcosystemComponents, food chains, and food webs in an ecosystem.
The ozone layer, its depletion, and the Greenhouse EffectUnderstanding environmental issues related to the ozone layer and the greenhouse effect.
Sources of energyConventional sources (e.g., biomass, wind energy) and non-conventional sources (e.g., solar energy, tidal energy).
MechanicsBasic concepts of rest, motion, velocities, acceleration, and Newton’s Laws of motion.
Voltage, Current, Resistance, Power, D.C BatteriesUnderstanding electrical concepts.
WavesProperties of waves, including light and sound waves.

Mental Ability Test

This section evaluates candidates’ logical and mathematical reasoning skills. The syllabus includes:

Mathematical reasoningApplying mathematical principles to solve problems.
Speed, Distance, and TimeSolving problems related to speed, distance, and time.
Statements and conclusionsDrawing logical conclusions from given statements.
Logical ReasoningAssessing candidates’ ability to think logically.
Mental ReasoningEvaluating candidates’ mental reasoning skills.
Number seriesIdentifying and understanding numerical patterns.
Letter seriesRecognizing patterns in letter sequences.
Coding decodingDeciphering coded messages and patterns.
Direction senseTesting candidates’ ability to comprehend directions.
Blood relationUnderstanding relationships in a family context.

Computer Applications

This section assesses candidates’ knowledge of computer systems and applications. The syllabus includes:

Operating systemUnderstanding the basic functions of an operating system.
M.S Word, M.S ExcelProficiency in using Microsoft Word and Excel applications.
M.S Access and PowerPointUnderstanding and using Microsoft Access and PowerPoint applications.
Email & InternetBasic knowledge of email systems and internet usage.
Fundamentals Basics of Computer SciencesUnderstanding foundational concepts in computer science.
Hardware & SoftwareFamiliarity with computer hardware components and software applications.
Input and output devicesUnderstanding various input and output devices used in computer systems.

JKSSB Naib Tehsildar Exam Pattern 2024


The Jammu and Kashmir Services Selection Board (JKSSB) conducts the Naib Tehsildar Exam to select qualified candidates for the position of Naib Tehsildar. It is essential for aspirants to have a comprehensive understanding of the exam pattern to better prepare for the examination. Below is the detailed exam pattern for the JKSSB Naib Tehsildar Exam 2024.

Exam Structure

The JKSSB Naib Tehsildar Exam consists of six sections, each focusing on different aspects of knowledge and skills. The total marks for the exam are 200, and the duration of the examination is 2 hours (120 minutes).

Exam Sections and Marks Distribution

  1. General English: 20 Marks
  2. General Knowledge: 20 Marks
  3. Mental Ability Test: 20 Marks
  4. General Science: 20 Marks
  5. Computer Applications: 20 Marks
  6. Subject-Specific Questions: 100 Marks

Exam Duration

  • The total duration of the exam is 2 hours (120 minutes).

Subject-wise Breakdown

TopicsTotal MarksDuration
General English20 Marks2 Hours / 120 Minutes
General Knowledge20 Marks
Mental Ability Test20 Marks
General Science20 Marks
Computer Applications20 Marks
Subject-Specific Questions100 Marks

1. General English

  • Total Marks: 20
  • This section assesses candidates’ proficiency in the English language through various topics such as clauses, synonyms, antonyms, idioms, prepositions, tenses, narration, comprehension, and more.

2. General Knowledge

  • Total Marks: 20
  • This section tests candidates’ awareness of national and international events, political and physical divisions, important rivers and lakes, economic concepts, historical events, and more.

3. Mental Ability Test

  • Total Marks: 20
  • The Mental Ability Test evaluates candidates’ logical and mathematical reasoning skills through topics like mathematical reasoning, speed, distance, time, logical reasoning, coding-decoding, and more.

4. General Science

  • Total Marks: 20
  • Candidates’ knowledge of fundamental scientific concepts, environmental issues, ecosystems, and the application of science in everyday life will be assessed in this section.

5. Computer Applications

  • Total Marks: 20
  • This section evaluates candidates’ familiarity with computer systems, software applications (Microsoft Word, Excel, Access, PowerPoint), operating systems, email, internet, and basic concepts of computer science.

6. Subject-Specific Questions

  • Total Marks: 100
  • This section focuses on subject-specific knowledge related to the role of Naib Tehsildar. Candidates should be well-versed in the intricacies of the subject matter to perform well in this section.

How to Download JKSSB Naib Tehsildar Syllabus 2024

Candidates can follow these steps to download the JKSSB Naib Tehsildar Syllabus:

  1. Visit the official website of JKSSB: jkssb.nic.in.
  2. Navigate to the “Syllabus” section on the homepage.
  3. Look for the “Syllabus of JKSSB Naib Tehsildar” or “JKSSB Naib Tehsildar Syllabus PDF” link.
  4. Click on the link, and the JKSSB Naib Tehsildar Syllabus PDF will appear on the screen.
  5. Download the PDF for future reference.

Candidates are encouraged to thoroughly study the provided syllabus and focus on areas where they may need improvement. Regular practice, revision, and staying updated with current affairs will contribute to a well-rounded preparation strategy. Good luck to all aspirants appearing for the JKSSB Naib Tehsildar Exam 2024!

JKSSB Naib Tehsildar Syllabus Analysis

Now, let’s delve into the specifics of the JKSSB Naib Tehsildar Syllabus. The syllabus comprises various subjects that are designed to evaluate the candidate’s knowledge and skills. These subjects include:

  1. General English: This section focuses on assessing the candidate’s grasp of the English language. It covers topics such as clauses, synonyms and antonyms, idioms and phrases, tenses, and comprehension.
  2. General Knowledge & Current Affairs: In this section, candidates are expected to have knowledge about national awards, sports, climate and crops in India, forms of government, important rivers and lakes, current events, and more.
  3. General Science: This section tests the candidate’s understanding of scientific concepts. Topics covered include the structure of atoms, solids, liquids, and gases, life processes, environmental pollution, sources of energy, mechanics, and more.
  4. Mental Ability Test: This section aims to assess the candidate’s logical and analytical reasoning skills. It includes topics such as mathematical reasoning, speed, distance, and time, logical reasoning, number series, and more.
  5. Computer Applications: This section evaluates the candidate’s proficiency in computer-related topics. It covers areas such as operating systems, MS Word, MS Excel, internet usage, hardware and software, and more.

Preparing for the Naib Tehsildar JKSSB Recruitment exam

Preparing for the Naib Tehsildar JKSSB Recruitment exam requires a well-structured study plan. Here are some tips to help you ace the exam:

  1. Familiarize yourself with the JKSSB Naib Tehsildar Syllabus: It is crucial to have a comprehensive understanding of the syllabus and the topics to be covered. This will enable you to plan your preparation effectively.
  2. Use Mock Tests and Previous Year Papers: Practice makes perfect! Attempting mock tests and previous year papers will help you familiarize yourself with the exam pattern and identify your areas of improvement.
  3. Time Management: Develop a study schedule that allows you to allocate sufficient time to each subject. This will ensure that you cover all the topics thoroughly.
  4. Stay Updated with Current Affairs: Regularly read newspapers, magazines, and online sources to stay updated with the latest current affairs. This will enhance your performance in the General Knowledge section.

In conclusion, the JKSSB Naib Tehsildar Syllabus 2024 is a crucial component of your preparation for the exam. By understanding the syllabus, planning your study accordingly, and following the aforementioned tips, you can increase your chances of success. So, download the JKSSB Naib Tehsildar Syllabus PDF from the official website jkssb.nic.in and embark on your journey towards securing a Naib Tehsildar position. All the best!

Advise and Suggestion for JKSSB Naib Tehsildar Syllabus

Candidates preparing for the JKSSB Naib Tehsildar Recruitment Exam 2024 are advised to study each section thoroughly to maximize their chances of success. Regular practice and staying updated on current affairs will be crucial for achieving success in this competitive examination. Good luck!