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J&K High Court Announces 15-Day Summer Vacation:

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J&Amp;K High Court Announces 15-Day Summer Vacation: 5

Details of the Summer Vacation

  • Start Date: June 10, 2024
  • End Date: June 24, 2024

Affected Areas

  • Included: District courts in the summer zone of Jammu province.
  • Excluded: Courts in Kishtwar, Doda, and specific courts in Ramban and Kathua.

Responsibilities During Vacation

Disposal of Urgent Cases

The High Court has issued specific instructions to ensure the functioning of the judicial system during the vacation. Principal district and sessions judges, along with Chief Judicial Magistrates, are required to:

  1. Arrange for Disposal of Urgent Criminal Cases: These judges must ensure that any urgent criminal cases are handled promptly during the vacation period within their respective jurisdictions.

Order Details

The High Court of Jammu and Kashmir and Ladakh has made it clear that while the courts will be on vacation, essential judicial activities, especially those involving urgent criminal matters, must continue without interruption. This ensures that the justice system remains responsive even during the holiday period.

Why the Vacation?

Importance of Judicial Breaks

Judicial vacations are important for several reasons:

  1. Judicial Efficiency: It allows judges and court staff to take a necessary break, which can help in reducing burnout and maintaining high efficiency when they return to work.
  2. Case Management: The break provides an opportunity for the courts to manage their backlog and plan for the upcoming months.
  3. Family Time: Court staff and judges can spend quality time with their families, which is essential for their well-being.

Areas Exempt from Vacation

The districts of Kishtwar, Doda, and certain courts in Ramban and Kathua are exempt from this vacation for specific reasons which might include different climatic conditions, caseloads, or administrative decisions that require continuous judicial activities in these areas.

How to Handle Urgent Matters

Instructions for Legal Professionals

Lawyers and legal professionals working in the affected areas should be aware of the vacation schedule and plan their activities accordingly. For urgent matters, they should:

  1. Contact Principal Judges: Reach out to the principal district and sessions judges or Chief Judicial Magistrates for urgent case handling.
  2. File Urgent Applications: Ensure any urgent applications are filed promptly and follow up with the concerned judicial authorities for swift processing.

For the Public

If you are a member of the public needing judicial assistance during this period, here’s what you should do:

  1. Check Court Notices: Look for any notices or announcements from your local court regarding the vacation period.
  2. Contact Court Officials: If you have an urgent legal matter, contact the court officials in your district to understand the process for urgent case handling during the vacation.

Preparing for Post-Vacation Period

Lawyers and Legal Firms

Legal professionals should use this time to prepare for the period following the vacation:

  1. Case Preparation: Use the break to prepare for upcoming cases.
  2. Client Communication: Inform your clients about the vacation period and any implications for their cases.
  3. Administrative Tasks: Complete any pending administrative tasks and organize your workload for a smooth transition once the courts resume full operations.

Court Staff and Judges

For court staff and judges, this is a time to:

  1. Plan Ahead: Organize and plan for the caseload that will need attention post-vacation.
  2. Rest and Recharge: Take this opportunity to rest and recharge to ensure optimal performance upon returning.


The 15-day summer vacation announced by the J&K High Court for district courts in the summer zone of Jammu province is an important break for the judicial system. By excluding certain districts and ensuring the handling of urgent cases, the High Court aims to balance the need for a break with the necessity of maintaining judicial functions. Legal professionals and the public should plan accordingly to navigate this period effectively. Stay informed and check the official court notices for any updates or further instructions.

J&Amp;K High Court Announces 15-Day Summer Vacation: 6